What is this place?

A small interactive (sort-of) fiction experience.

Who are you?

My name is Raziel, I'm in my early twenties and I'm autistic. Like many autistic people I have a special interest; unlike many autistic people mine is a little embarassing: I'm very fond of my characters and their stories. Amongst them is the house.

What is all this about a house?

This site serves as a sort of way to explore this fictious house and my characters. It is designed to be purposefully a little disorienting, and maze-like.

It's also a way for me to express myself, in a way that I feel comfortable with.

Is your site finished?

A house, as they say, is always under construction.

(I plan to add quite a few more rooms to the house, so follow if you don't want to miss out on any updates!)

Any content warnings?

Unreality, Mild Scopophobia, Discussions of Death and Dying